Saturday, 12 January 2013

New Years Resolution

So I haven't blogged since September 2012 and I actually have missed it. Moving back down South and starting my new job in London took up a lot of time in the last few months of 2012. I love my new job and love being in London and somehow blogging and crafting seemed to fall by the wayside a bit. I still did some Christmas Cards and have experimented with a some other crafts but not as much as I wanted to.

So 2013 is a new start for the blog and in order to really try and stick to it. I have decided to try and complete 365 crafty makes in 365 days. I was inspired by the film Julie and Julia which has a similar challenge in it revolving around cooking over 500 recipes in a year.

So yes lets hope I can stick to it. fingers crossed!

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